Friday, December 18, 2015

ICIL Workshop on Revenue Based Properties, Collateral Based Financing, Documentation,Securities and Recoveries

9th-10th December 2015

There were nine participants in the workshop. Evaluating the course, all of them found it to be outstanding. On the Subject matter and Methodology, 100% found it to be between Outstanding and Very good. On the Facilities offered, 78% found them to be Very good. 89% of the participants rated the overall program as Outstanding.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

ICIL Workshop: Revenue Based Properties, Collateral Based Financing Documentation, Securities and Recoveries

Revenue Based Properties, Collateral Based Financing Documentation, Securities and Recoveries
Dated: 9- 10th December 2015
At: Lahore
By: Mr. Adnan Adil
Participants: Mr. Syed Kazim Raza (Meezan Bank), Mr. Omer Karim (Meezan Bank), Mr Naveed Raza (MCB), Mr Muhammad Rafiq(MCB), Ms Munazza Abdul Majeed (NBP), Mr Tariq Rehman (NBP), Mr Iftikhar Ahmad Tanveer (NBP), Mr Atiq-ur-Rahman (NBP), Mr. Muhammad Shahid Naveed Bhatti (NBP)

Monday, November 30, 2015

ICIL-BT workshop on SBP Regulations Export, Import, Commercial Remittance and Foreign Currency Accounts 

 25th and 26th November 2015 

There were 16 participants in the workshop.15 participants left their comments. Evaluating the course, 93% found it to be between outstanding and very good. On the Subject matter and Methodology, 87% found it to be between outstanding and very good. On the Facilities offered, all found them to be very good.100% of the participants rated the overall program as very good.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

ICIL Workshop: SBP Regulations Export, Import, Commercial Remittance and Foreign Currency Accounts and Adjudication Process

SBP Regulations Export, Import, Commercial Remittance and Foreign Currency Accounts and Adjudication Process

Dated: 25 & 26 November, 2015

By: Mr. Akram Zaki

Participants: Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed, Mr. Amir Rehmat Khan, Mr. Abdul Bari Chistie, Mr. Asad Raza, Mr. Kaleem ul Ebad Khan, Mr. Hakeem Ullah, Mr. Jalal Khowaja, Mr. Hussain Habib, Mr. Gulzar Ahmad Shahab, Mr. Hassan Mahmood, Mr M. Furqan Najeeb, Mr Ali Abbas, Mr. Kaleem Akbar, Mr.Vahaj Ahmed Khan, Mr. Sajjad Hussain, Mr. Muhammad Raza 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

ICIL-BT  workshop  on  Risk Modeling & Forecasting
                                   12 & 13 November                   

The  Participants'  Feedback:

There were nine participants in the workshop. 

Eight participants left their comments. Evaluating the Course, 87 percent found it to be between outstanding and very good. On the Subject matter and Methodology, 87% found it to be outstanding or very good. On the Facilities offered, all found them to be good. 87% of the participants rated the overall program as very good. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

ICIL Workshop: Risk Modeling & Forecasting Techniques

ICIL Workshop: Risk Modeling & Forecasting Techniques

Dated: 12 & 13 November, 2015

By: Mr. Shamil Akber
Participants: Mr S.M. Ayub (NBP), Mr Mobashir Nabi (NBP), Mr Farhan Shafi (NBP),
 Mr Sheraz Nasir (UBL), Mr Muhammad Akbar (ABL), Mr Hassan Khalid Malik (ABL),
Mr Khalid Mohiuddin (HBFCL), Mr Muhammad Rashid (MCB), Mr Abdul Jamal (NIB)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

ICIL Workshop : SBP Regulations – Export, Import, Commercial Remittance, Foreign Currency Accounts and Adjudication Process

ICIL Workshop : SBP Regulations – Export, Import, Commercial Remittance, Foreign Currency Accounts and Adjudication Process 

Dated: 06 & 07 October, 2015

By: Mr. Akram Zaki

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

ICIL Workshop: Enhancing Executive Secretary Skills

ICIL course on Enhancing Executive Secretary Skills
Dated: 17-18 Sept 2015
By:  Mr. Subhan Sharif

Monday, September 14, 2015

ICIL Workshop: Secured Loan Transactions- Perfecting Securities in Pakistan

ICIL course on Secured Loan Transactions- Perfecting Securities in Pakistan
Dated: 26 Feb 2015
By: Mr. Irfan M Tayebali & Mr. Adnan Adil Hussain

ICIL Workshop: Credit Administration and Monitoring

ICIL  course on Credit Administration and Monitoring
Dated: 15-16 April 2015
By:  Mr. Adnan Ali Hussain

ICIL Workshop: Managing Recovery from NPL's including Strategies for Settlement

ICIL course on Managing Recovery from NPL's including Strategies for Settlement

Dated: 24-25 Feb 2015
By: Mr. Ali Haider

Sunday, September 13, 2015

ICIL Workshop: Conducting Enquiries and Redressal

ICIL course on Conducting Enquiries and Redressal

Dated: 20th Nov 2014
By: Mr. Rizwan Ahmed

Friday, August 28, 2015

ICIL Workshop: Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance 2001

ICIL course on Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance 2001
Dated: 19 August 2015
By: Mr. Irfan Tayebali

ICIL Workshop: Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance 2001

ICIL course on Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance 2001
Dated: 19 August 2015
By: Mr. Irfan Tayebali

Monday, August 3, 2015

Introduction : ICIL-BT (Business Training)

ICIL-BT (Business Training)

ICIL-Business Training ( ICIL-BT )   is  a business   unit  of a medium sized  business  group - ICIL –Pakistan  (;; ). ICIL-BT has  been conducting open enrolment courses for the last 5 years . ICIL-BT organizes  / conducts  open enrolment  and in-house  business training courses  on a very wide  range of subjects. Names  of courses  conducted in the past , its current year training  train calendar   and  the  names  of its   local and foreign trainers are  given on  the companies  website.

Mr. Azhar Naqvi , a banker  who has worked in CITI Bank in many countries and a passionate trainer , Mr Babar Mufti  ,an  Economist  with a Masters from   London School  of  Economics & Political Science . Mr. Azfar Baqvi , an Accountant with considerable experience in  Leasing / investment Banking  and Yasser Mufti , an  I.T specialist  with a BSc and Masters  from the Queen Mary College of the University of London  are  directly  supervising   the management  of    ICIL- BT  specially  to  conduct  the need analysis  of newly   identified  courses or to supervise  the preparation of a course  whose need  has been identified  by  the HR departments of its customers .
Members of the Board of Directors of ICIL-Pakistan  are all  qualified  professionals  with a long experience  of working in  the public and private sector and a proven record of corporate performance  with American , European Multinational companies .

The Purpose of the Blog
·        To have a platform  where    the trainers , trainee  and  the HR departments  of companies  who sends  participants for training  can interact , exchange ideas and  give their opinion about the courses .

·        To help ICIL-BT  to  interact  with the trainers  and HR departments of  customers  in order  to undertake  training need analysis  and suitability  of a newly identified  course subject .