Monday, August 3, 2015

Introduction : ICIL-BT (Business Training)

ICIL-BT (Business Training)

ICIL-Business Training ( ICIL-BT )   is  a business   unit  of a medium sized  business  group - ICIL –Pakistan  (;; ). ICIL-BT has  been conducting open enrolment courses for the last 5 years . ICIL-BT organizes  / conducts  open enrolment  and in-house  business training courses  on a very wide  range of subjects. Names  of courses  conducted in the past , its current year training  train calendar   and  the  names  of its   local and foreign trainers are  given on  the companies  website.

Mr. Azhar Naqvi , a banker  who has worked in CITI Bank in many countries and a passionate trainer , Mr Babar Mufti  ,an  Economist  with a Masters from   London School  of  Economics & Political Science . Mr. Azfar Baqvi , an Accountant with considerable experience in  Leasing / investment Banking  and Yasser Mufti , an  I.T specialist  with a BSc and Masters  from the Queen Mary College of the University of London  are  directly  supervising   the management  of    ICIL- BT  specially  to  conduct  the need analysis  of newly   identified  courses or to supervise  the preparation of a course  whose need  has been identified  by  the HR departments of its customers .
Members of the Board of Directors of ICIL-Pakistan  are all  qualified  professionals  with a long experience  of working in  the public and private sector and a proven record of corporate performance  with American , European Multinational companies .

The Purpose of the Blog
·        To have a platform  where    the trainers , trainee  and  the HR departments  of companies  who sends  participants for training  can interact , exchange ideas and  give their opinion about the courses .

·        To help ICIL-BT  to  interact  with the trainers  and HR departments of  customers  in order  to undertake  training need analysis  and suitability  of a newly identified  course subject .

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